Learn to Fly

Approximate cost of a Private ASEL

*based on 40 hours (FAA minimum)

Flight Instructor Fees

If additional hours are required for flight instruction, they will be billed on a per hour basis.
Training is also available on a per hour basis or in bulk payment.

Dual Flight Instruction (our planes) - $195 / hour

Dual Flight Instruction (your plane) - $60 / hour

Fulfillment of Solo Requirements (25 hours) - $145 / hour

Ground Instruction - $45 / hour

Supervised Solo - $50 / hour

Fee for setting up and supervising check ride - $100

DPE Practical and Oral Exam - $800

FAA Private Knowledge Test - $125

Contact Clearflight Today!

(772) 485-4189

James Howard


James or "Jim" is the owner/operator of Clearflight Aviation. He has loved flying since he was a child, and had dreams of joining the Air Force. God had other plans and called him into missionary work in Africa for nine years. After moving back to Florida, he began teaching aviation classes at Hobe Sound Bible College in conjunction with his flight school. He has been training pilots for over 18 years. He has a passion to see people follow God's call and succeed in ministry!